Naming Ceremony Gifts
What to Buy for a Christening
Of course, there is nothing wrong with these traditional gift ideas if no one else has replicated your idea, but why not go for something different? Your present will stand out amongst the rest and no one will suspect what a thoroughly grumpy experience you had trying to find it. The great thing about the following gift ideas is that they can be brought for either boy or girl. Here are some ideas:
Baptism Gift Ideas
Baby’s fingerprint or handprint (or how about a footprint?) mounted in a cute little frame. A fingerprint tree will enable parents to make a print of various family members, with baby’s at the top. Parents may have to apply the printing ink and conduct the printing themselves, but what a great image to put on baby’s wall? The effort will be worth it and will provide the perfect keepsake for the future. Go further with personal with a My First Tooth fairy trinket box, where baby may keep her first tooth. This box bears a cute fairy on the lid and an engraving of the baby’s name plus her date of birth.
My silver balloon, your child’s name in music CD, sings your child’s name within lyrics, stimulating baby and making the music personalised. This music experience could stimulate baby’s interest in music. Good recommendations are given from the BBC and Mother & Baby Magazine. Similarly, personalised picture books where baby’s name is the heroine of the story could stimulate baby’s interest in books in the months to come.
Personalised Baby Books for Christenings
How about a personalised birthday year book informing on the events and cultural trends of the year of baby’s birth? Important events can be associated with baby’s birth year, such as music, films, news events and funny anecdotes. The recipient will pore over such interesting snippets and make meaningful associations between the year of her birth and important cultural shifts.
Family Tree Book Gift Idea for Baptism Ceremony of Baby Girl
A family history gift book enables parent(s) to fill in important information for baby, such as pictures and letters regarding the family tree. Find out the history behind baby’s surname and discover members of the family little known or unknown about. If purchased from Getting Personal, a personal surname history certificate will be issued, helping family members make a start on their research. Once grown up, the girl can continue the research.
Gifts for Baby Girl and Mum
You could get some extra brownie points and get something for baby and mum. There are mum and baby girl gift boxes containing items for mother as well as the baby girl. In a pretty gift box you might find, memory books, photo frame, cute toy, sleepsuits as well a box of chocs for mum and/or pampering oils, toiletries and perfume. You could get a gold star if you make the selection personalised, by cherry-picking the items yourself and then having it professionally gift wrapped.
Crafty Gifts for Baby Girl
But then again, if you possess a penchant for crafts a touching poem in calligraphy against a watercolour wash within a gift frame or embroidered image bearing baby’s name or similar has to be the most unique of gifts. Handmade gifts are also worth considering if able to make your own ornaments or jewellery.
Christening Gift Idea for Baby Girl
There are lots of traditional gift ideas to suit a little girl, but could be problematic if unsure if someone else has gone the same route (which is bound to happen). The alternative is to find something novel for baby, so that your pressie will stand out against the rest. The good thing is, there are plenty of gift ideas for a girl that could suit both boy or girl, such as a family tree book, personalised music CD or book on the year of baby’s birth. Your efforts could be appreciated if getting a baby shower present for both baby and mother or if creating your own gift for baby. If still not found the ideal pressie, check out my other article giving ideas for a baby boy christening gift or what to buy a newborn baby.
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