Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Is Low Body Temperature Causing your Candida? Estrogen Dominant on Day 51

My battle against candida yeast seems to have evolved into a battle against low basal body temperature.

Fifty one days ago, I began the anti candida diet. This involves cutting carbohydrates, taking probiotics and antifungals. For many years, my life has been plagued with health problems, which I believe must be connected: migraines, recurrent conjunctivitis, bloating, tiredness, dry eyes, dry mouth and itchy skin. I also had bursitis of the knees which needed an arthroscopy. Sojourns’ syndrome (dry mouth) and Raynaulds (cold hands and feet), were mentioned by my GP as well as anaemia and immune issues.

The ridiculous thing is, I am fit otherwise and love walking, swimming and am able-bodied.

Not Enough Progesterone Causing Hair Loss

But the last straw occurred in March 2015 when I started losing hair in patches. Parts of my scalp were showing through. This marked the beginning of making changes to my diet.

I searched the Net for possible answers and came up with the candida question. Could all these symptoms be caused by a yeast overgrowth in the gut? Candida is said to thrive from a sugary diet and a stressed host. Signs you have yeast issues are a coating on the tongue, itchy skin and some of the symptoms I have just described.

Should You Cut Carbohydrates

A cure for oral thrush?
After 52 days, my health has improved; my hair is thicker, I have lost weight and my skin is clearer. But some of my symptoms persist. It was then I learned that candida can be the result of another condition: low body temperature – not always the cause.

So, even if you follow a healthy diet, the candida can still flourish if your body temperature is below what it should be. In short, every cell of your body cannot function properly if your core body temperature is below average. The friendly bacteria don’t like being cold, but the yeast doesn’t mind. This brings a connection between candida and low basal body temperature.

As discussed in another post here, there are various causes of low body temperature: hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid gland) is one. I have been tested for this condition and the results have come back normal.

This is when I looked at other possible causes: adrenal exhaustion and estrogen dominance which are chiefly caused by bad diet and stress. Both are explained fully in another post but briefly, both feature imbalances of hormones.

Candida and Low Body Temperature

On day 51 of my anti candida diet, I am feeling generally lousy. I am at the beginning of my menstrual cycle, when the female body temperature would be a little lower than normal, but should never dip to below 36.5°C in any 24 hour period.

I bought myself a digital thermometer, accurately recorded my body temperature and was shocked at my findings.

Yesterday (day 51) my body temperature barely touched 37°C all day, remaining at or below 36.9°C. But the real shock came when I established my previous night’s basal body temperature (the minimum that occurs early morning before rising). Between midnight and 4 am, it remained at 36.3°C or below. And at 1.30am, it fell to 36.1°C.

When Low Body Temperature is Bad for You

I wasn’t aware that my basal body temperature got that low. But the next day, all my symptoms drifted back. I have had a vague migraine that clouded the afternoon, worsening towards evening. I had mild constipation, bloatedness, my eyes looked bleary and puffy. My oral thrush came back and I felt tired with dizzy spells.

And all despite following an anti candida diet.

In a normally warm room, my hands and feet were cold. Throughout the next day, I took readings. Shockingly, last night, my basal body temperature fell to just 36.0°C. Since then, it has never reached 37.0°C. Incidentally, my partner felt compelled to move seats as the radiator made him feel too hot. Meanwhile, I am sitting next to it, wearing a jumper and my feet are cold.

My temperature readings today would reflect the poor state of my body temperature.

3 am this morning 36.0°C
6 am 36.2°C
7 am 36.4°C
7.30 am (before getting up) 36.6°C
10.20 am 36.4°C (always drops after breakfast)

1 pm (before lunch) 36.5°C
1.35 (20 minutes after lunch) 36.9°C
3 pm 36.7°C
5 pm 36.5
7 pm (before dinner) 36.5°C
8 pm (40 minutes after dinner) 36.8°C
9pm 36.6°C

Between midnight last night and 7.30 am this morning, my body temperature never rose above 36.4°C (reaching a minimum of 36.0°C at 3am). It then spiked around the time I get up (7 ish). It also rose after mealtimes, but soon sinks afterwards. It then declines after teatime and towards evening as it did so yesterday.

The question remains. How do I increase my body temperature? And will it get rid of the candida problem and help the good gut flora thrive?

Some adjustments to my diet seems necessary.

More articles on Candida and Estrogen Dominance

My candida diary
Go back to Candida diet day 50
Go forward to Candida diet day 52 (beginning the heat producing diet)