Friday, 30 August 2019

Church of Sant’ Agnese in Agone

This 17th century Baroque church can be found in the Piazza Navona.
Little is known of St Agnes, whom the church was dedicated. But she was martyred on a pyre by Emperor Diocletian who persecuted Christians. She was aged only 12 or 13. Daughter of Emperors Constantine, Constance had the church erected in her name. Borromini deigned the facade.
Take a look at the beautiful ceiling frescoes by P Gismaondi and Cozza, as well as reliefs by Rossi, Raggi Ferrata, and Guidi. But the cupola by Gaulli steals the show.

The church has regular concerts of chamber and classical music.
Photographs aren't allowed on the day, hence the following photos have been taken from other sources.

Facade of Sant' Agnese in Agone in the Piazza Novona (W Commons)

Statue of St Agnese (W Commons)

Piazza Novona where St Agnese was martyred